CL – The APEX Leaders™

Join us!

“Our courses are not courses.
WE Circle Leadership share, promote and widespread unforgettable evolutionary Life Experiences for supporting YOU to discover your REAL SELF.
Simply call them EXPERIENCES”

Do you know that You have a key role for generating a Society and a Country rich of wellness and well-being?


“LEADER  of Your COUNTRY!” is the LIFE EXPERIENCE for You!

Learn how to let emerge  the Healthy Leader in You for producing wellness and wellbeing  for Your Country!

No matter who You are now.

You are more than You know.


This Life Experience is dedicated to everybody who want to learn Circle Leadership Principles for giving a plus to the environment they live  .



  • Building Powerful Young Leaders
  • Create Shared Directions
  • Cultivate Productive Solutions
  • Unleash Human Energy
  • Dominate High  Stress Situation
  • Feel and understand their “Deepest Entity”
  • Construct Higher Purposes for SELF, the Family, the Company, The Country and The Work Belongings 





Five distinctions of our EXPERIENCES:


  1. A Complete Research-Based Content
  2. Impact on Business /Professional, Personal, Social (Country) Levels
  3. Build High Performance
  4. Build Continues Strengths – Action-Learning
  5. Real Time Results



The entire COACHING EXPERIENCE is characterized by:


  • high quality and updated knowledges
  • the execution of lots discovery exercises
  • room discussions
  • direct and open dialogue with Alessandro and Ashok



The EXPERIENCE starts with the following question:

why nowadays do we have to come back to ourselves?

A detailed analysis of the modern world is the basis for introducing the concepts of life balance, the power of Body – Mind & Intellect and the relation between Work and Family.

Moreover the discovery of what Emotions are, how they drive our lives and the first description of what is Emotional Intelligence are only some of the points we deal with YOU. Without forgetting various specific practices.


Some points:

  • Where are we now as humans?
  • Discovering your Balance in Life
  • Life Style Regimes
  • Emotions in action!
  • Practices: Art & DMT /Therapy (Stress & Depression Mgmt Activities)
  • And more contents and practices!



DAY 2 starts with the detailed knowledge of what STRESS is at 360°, which problems it causes and what we can do for managing it.

Alessandro and Ashok move the attention towards positive emotions and generative life styles before going into details about some motivational issues and relationship problems with yourself and others.

Self care skills and Self awareness are also arguments of DAY 2 together  with specific focus on various practices.


Some points:

  • Knowing and Facing STRESS
  • Acceptance of Self /Events/Acceptance of Others
  • Grace/Style Development – Innovating
  • Motivation/Inspiration
  • Relationships and Communication
  • Self-Care Skills
  • Practices: Sleep Management, Simple Yoga Postures, Appropriate Exercise Routine and more

When you are “in the deepest You”
You are the owner of
Your life, relationships,
awareness and performances.
You are ready for “flowering”.
You are Leader of Yourself,
Your family and Your company.
You are NOW an Healthy Leader.

CL – The APEX Leaders™

Duration: 2 full days


Expertise required: no expertise required but admitted students starting from 16 y.o.


Participants – Maximum admitted: 25